Satisfaction Guarantee

Trusting companies that you cannot see or easily physically reach has to be the hardest thing for new customer. We also recognize it’s tough to know if a piece of merchandise will match your hopes and dreams until you can actually touch and feel it. That’s why we are eager to take all of the responsibility for your satisfaction.

Our guarantee is very straightforward.
You have a full 30 days to view, touch, and feel your purchase. (Some products have special conditions. See product details for exceptions.) If the product has a manufacturer defect, please notify us immediately within the first 30 days of receiving your product and we will make arrangements to repair or replace your product.

Why we do this.
If you are curious why we put forward such a bighearted guarantee, here’s the reason.

Approximately 75% of our business comes from return clients. Our company relies on it. Our Satisfaction Guarantee is one method we assist you to test us out and, in anticipation, turn you into one of our many return clients. It also guarantees that you will constantly get more value than you expected!